Boats, Brews, and BBQ

Join us for a relaxed evening of food, local craft beer, wine, and live music. Proceeds from the event will benefit the club’s Preservation Campaign and the ongoing efforts to preserve and restore the house’s architectural façade and structure.

Saturday, September 15, 2018
5 to 9 p.m.

Philadelphia Girls' Rowing Club (PGRC)
14 Kelly Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19130

A Place of Firsts

In 1938, four intrepid women sought equal opportunity…to row, alongside men, on the Schuylkill River. Like other efforts of its era, the women could not find support within traditional rowing circles, so they started their own club — the first of its kind —and called it The Philadelphia Girls’ Rowing Club.

In its history, PGRC women have broken barriers: The women’s eight became the first to win the National Women’s Rowing Championships in 1966 and were the first American women’s rowing club to compete in the European Championships. One of our current members brought home Olympic gold in 1984, and another was instrumental in creating the National Women’s Rowing Association.

Our clubhouse at #14 Kelly Drive has an even longer history than our club. Built in 1861, the facility is located on City land, owned by PGRC, and fully maintained by its members. It was the very first structure built on what later became known as Boathouse Row.

The National Historic Landmarks Program has identified the PGRC boathouse as being “most at risk” among historic sites, due to erosion and the rigors of time.

Funds raised at Boats, Brews, and BBQ will help the club pay for Phase 2: repairing and sealing the envelope of the building for energy efficiency. This includes improvements to the pointing (in progress), windows, and roof. 

PGRC needs your help to help preserve this architectural gem and retain the historic character of a place that all Philadelphians know and love.